In 2007 we were awarded our green flag for energy.
We held a very successful “switch it off” campaign in school and we continue to save energy by switching off lights and electrical equipment when they are not needed and never leaving our computers on standby. The pupils took daily meter readings in the morning and afternoon to calculate how many units of electricity we used while in school. They recorded their results and this gave us great incentive to reduce our energy use. In Maths class they calculated our daily, weekly, monthly electricity costs and displayed their results graphically. We had a Low Energy Friday to help raise energy awareness in our school and were delighted that we had beaten our previous lowest unit consumption.
Mayor Niall O Brolchain presented our green flag for energy at a ceremony in the Galway Bay Hotel .GREEN SCHOOLS
The green-schools programme plays an important part in daily life in Scoil an Linbh Íosa. Our pupils, staff and parents are very involved in looking after the environment in school and in our local community.
Every effort is made to reuse, reduce and recycle school waste and we were awarded our green flag for Litter and Wastein 2005. Everyone was very excited the day we got our flag. We had a visit from Mayor Catherine Connolly and every class performed a song about litter and waste on the stage. The girls in 5th and 6th class had made costumes from various recycled materials in a Recycled Costume Making workshop with Solas Community Arts Group and treated us to a hilarious fashion show! We also had a visit from the Galway Independent newspaper.
All senior classes attended “Recycling the Magical Way” by Magician Marvin in the Town Hall Theatre and enjoyed the show.