Green School Team 2013-14

These are the children on this years Green Schools Committee:

Rm.17 Alika Vilenson , Martyna Cieslak
Rm. 5  Grace Harkonen, Jane Francis
Rm. 12 Malek Mammdouh, Zoe O' Connell
Rm. 10 Niomi Curran , Olivia Brzezinska

We are working  on our sixth Green Schools theme. It is called "Global Citizenship-Litter and Waste". The  pupils will learn how to make a positive difference in the world  while working on this theme.

Look what grew in our Roof-Top garden over the summer!

Look what we harvested!

Awarded our 5th Green Flag!

We had a wonderful day of celebration for the raising of our 5th green flag for Biodiversity. It posed quite a challenge with out having a garden! however, the green school committee and Muinteoir Siobhan did not let that deter them and they created a wonderful roof-top garden! Muinteoir Aoife and some of our parents were a great help in getting the garden 'up' and 'running.' Muinteoir Rachel painted an amazing mural at the entrance. We are all very proud of our unique roof-top garden.

Biodiversity Day

All of our pupils participated in our Biodiversity Day! This year we are working on this theme to receive our 5th Green School Flag. Classes worked on and presented a variety of projects:
The Hummingbird, Making Bird Feeders, Bees, Minibeats, Rainforests and How To Make an Insect Hotel.  The pupils really enjoyed presenting their projects to all the classes in the school and also to the parents who visited the exhibition. You can see more photos of this great project in our photo gallery.

Roof-Top Action Garden Day

We had a fantastic planting in our roof-top school garden with Kay Synott. Now, we have to look after all of our class areas and ensure to water our plants and watch them grow!